Monday’s Public Hearing Postponed

Tags:  2024 | News Release
Date Released: June 21, 2024

The public hearing to consider Amending Zoning Bylaw No. 722.9 and 337.123 has been postponed. The public hearing was originally due to take place this Monday, June 24.

Why postpone the public hearing?

A key part of this public hearing has been an opportunity for residents to ask questions prior to the hearing taking place. The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) has received a considerable number of questions related to the proposed amendments to the bylaw.

As a result, the SCRD will host a public information meeting prior to the rescheduled public hearing. This will ensure that these questions can be answered before the public hearing takes place.

Get Informed

Residents can continue to get informed about these proposed amendments and can ask questions at any time here on the Let’s Talk Platform.

Public Hearing Submissions

 If you have already provided a written submission for the public hearing that was scheduled for Monday, June 24, it is still valid and will form part of the public record for the rescheduled public hearing.

Dates for both the public information meeting and rescheduled public hearing will be provided early next week on the SCRD Website and via the SCRD Facebook Page.